Use "went back home|go back home" in a sentence

1. Snow : Go back home! Don't even come back again.

2. He turned back from the crossroad and went home.

3. The wife appeased her husband and went back home.

4. I feel strange, I should go back home.

5. But she's too frightened to go back home.

6. I will go back home in the near future.

7. I am filled with desire to go back home.

8. My dog always springs forth when I go back home.

9. B : We should train harder after we go back home.

10. When everybody went back home , she was alone crying in the classroom .

11. They expect me to ask their permission to go back home.

12. Susan is eager to go back home after a long trip.

13. It worried her mother that she did not go back home.

14. It'seems to me that be would like to go back home.

15. My wife will be swimming when I go back home tonight.

16. Back home, Adipose III!

17. My baby sister said, "Mama, let's go back home," because behind barbed wires was for us home.

18. So I went back home, and I had a great cheerleader at home who happens to be my father.

19. Has the regulation, in effect , removed their right to go back home?

20. He felt too ashamed to go back home to see his elders.

21. John: Yes. My brother and I go back home together after school.

22. After that I will go back home to Reconquista in Santa Fe.

23. I go back home. I met my relatives and friends. That's magnificent.

24. It rained yesterday the moment we were about to go back home.

25. Hanson said perhaps she had better go back home for a while.

26. After we finished the race, we turn around to go back home.

27. She'd go back home to Oz and open a shop, maybe two.

28. We got home and went sledding on the small hill in our back yard.

29. Now you need to go back home, and forget about your real parents.

30. Well, I guess we'll go back home and brush up on the anemone.

31. What you need now is to go back home have a good night.

32. Immediately he went back home and found the first floor of his house completely smashed.

33. There's speculation back home that the back channel is you.

34. Kick back, make yourself at home.

35. Do you get back home much?

36. I took a taxi back home.

37. The senator asks: What do you like to do when you go back home?

38. No bother go back to the camp . If you get lost, just hitchhike home.

39. Her father tried to persuade her to go back home with him, but in vain.

40. She came back home safe and sound.

41. His remarks caused an outcry back home.

42. It is fine to be back home.

43. Thus, he started his journey back home.

44. Back home their relationship started to deteriorate.

45. What car do you drive back home?

46. Aiding and abetting terrorist activities back home.

47. But movement, ultimately, only has a meaning if you have a home to go back to.

48. So Jehovah says to Gidʹe·on: ‘Tell all the men who are afraid to go back home.’

49. • In this climate, a down-home bear hug and attendant back slapping probably wouldn't go Amiss.

50. He scored two home runs back to back in the 9 th inning.

51. You're in a tight race back home, Congresswoman.

52. He longed desperately to be back at home.

53. Every time P went to Jerome to collect, I'd pace around restlessly until she was back home again.

54. Hopefully, I'll be back home by ten o'clock.

55. She wanted to go back home and he wanted to fulfil his mission and destroy the shapechangers.

56. I'm going back home and buying me some land.

57. I'll call back later when your wife's at home.

58. Stagnation in home sales is holding back economic recovery.

59. Hopefully,( I'll be back home by ten o'clock.

60. Now we have arrived back home safe and sound.

61. LET’S go back a few years before Ezʹra went to Jerusalem.

62. You get all the games from back home, eh?

63. I came home from work and he was back.

64. How different from my happy family life back home!

65. Back home everyone said I didn't have any talent.

66. They mark the way back to our heavenly home!

67. I couldn't hide my eagerness to get back home.

68. I did a U-turn and headed back home.

69. Wait till the folks back home hear about this!

70. I know the spelling….but we call them Bretzel back home, BUT and here is where it gets funny, even back home spelling changes locally

71. Now, of course, back home, dead palmetto fronds are ideal.

72. Meanwhile, I was back home, basking in balmy Texas weather.

73. She will be back home in a couple of weeks.

74. When she retired, she moved back to her home town .

75. 15 Stagnation in home sales is holding back economic recovery.

76. Soon he got back his composure and walked sulkily home.

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79. She takes it and the leftover food back home to Naomi.

80. Back home, I used to play the piano by the hour.